
The Fifth ACM International Workshop on
UnderWater Networks (WUWNet)

September 30 -  October 1, 2010

Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA

Sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE


WUWNet'10 Paper Submission Instructions

Submission Website

WUWNet'10 paper registration as well as paper submission will be handled through the WUWNet submission website. This website is hosted by EDAS (you will first need to register with EDAS if you do not have an account there yet).

The submission site will automatically check compliance to the formatting instructions (see guidelines for paper submission below). It is highly recommended that you submit a version of your paper well before the deadline to allow for sufficient time in case of problems with the submission process. You are allowed to update your paper and upload newer versions until the submission deadline (this deadline is firm). If you have any questions regarding paper submission, please contact the TPC chairs: Scott Midkiff, Curt Schurgers and Shengli Zhou. At the bottom of this page are some known problems and their work-arounds.

Guidelines for Paper Submission

The workshop accepts two types of papers: full and short.  Short papers can present new ideas or new visions that may influence the direction of future research, yet they may be less mature than full papers. While an exhaustive evaluation of the proposed ideas is not necessary, insight and in-depth understanding of the issues is expected. Full papers should be more complete in their evaluation and the maturity of the system and ideas.  All accepted papers, long and short, will be published in the workshop proceedings. Submitted papers will be judged based on their quality and novelty through a rigorous peer-reviewing process. A call for work-in-progress posters and demos will be announced separately.

The paper submission is a two step process: first the paper need to be registered, and then submitted. The deadline for paper registration is May 7, while that to submit the paper is May 14. Paper registration and paper submission are done through the same submission website (see above). Please note that the paper submission deadline is firm. No extensions will be granted.

Paper submission formats for WUWNet must follow the ACM standard for SIG proceedings. A summary of the required format is: double column, Times Roman font for the paper body, 9 point font size or larger for body text, U.S. letter size paper (8.5"x11") with 1" margins on all sides and a 1/3" gutter between columnns. Lines should be spaced with 11 points or more from baseline-to-baseline. Templates for the standard ACM format are available from the ACM SIGS website. (Option 2: LaTeX2e - Tighter Alternate style is preferred.)

Copyright Forms

ACM has an automated copyright form collection system for ACM published proceedings. Accepted authors will be sent the ACM form and complete instructions. A weekly reminder will be sent to authors with outstanding forms. Reminders will be sent every week until four weeks before the conference/workshop.

Final Versions

Final papers must have the following ACM copyright information at the bottom of the first page (left column):

 \conferenceinfo{WUWNet'10,} {Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2010, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA}

Final camera ready short paper titles must start with "Short Paper:" and the abstracts with "Extended Abstract:".

Problems and suggestions

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Last Modified at ©2010