- May 15, 2017:WUWNet'17 will be held in Halifax, Canada, Nov. 6-8, 2017.
- September 25, 2017:We highly recommend participants to make travel arrangements at their earliest convenience. The Prince George Hotel provides high quality service, at a discounted price for our participants. Please reserve as soon as possible! Letter of invitations for visa applications can be provided upon request.
- September 27, 2017:We are excited to announce the participation of 4 internationally renowned guest speakers in the field of underwater communications and networking: Lee Freitag (WHOI), Daniel Rouseff (APL), Mae Seto (Dalhousie Univeristy) and Milica Stojanovic (NEU) will highlight their contribution to our community and will provide insight into future research directions.
- September 28, 2017:The paper review process is ongoing and we will announce results within the next few days.
- October 3, 2017:Notification of Acceptance has been sent by email and should be available on EDAS. Please see instructions on how to register and submit your camera-ready paper in the Paper Submission tab.
- October 15, 2017:Posters submission deadline.
- October 17, 2017: Tour of the Center for Ocean Venture & Entrepreneurship (COVE), Please see instructions on how to register on Travel.
- October 19, 2017:See accommodation details in the Travel tab, including how to get to the hotel from the airport.
Conference Details
WUWNet'17 will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Note that since 2012, WUWNet has become
a standalone conference with an extended scope to underwater networks and systems. The conference will include presentations
of keynote speeches, plenary talks, technical papers, and posters/demos. The scope of the WUWNet
conference covers a broad range of research directions relevant to underwater networks and network-related signal
processing, communications, systems, and applications.
Register at the Prince George Hotel. Phone the hotel directly at 1-800-565-1567 to benefit from the reduced cost. See details in the Travel section | .
Important Dates
Full and Short Papers
Paper registration: | August 14, 2017 (UPDATE) |
Paper submission: | August 21, 2017 (UPDATE) |
Acceptance notification: | September 28, 2017 (UPDATE) |
Camera-ready date: | October 19, 2017 (UPDATE) |
Tutorial Proposal
Tutorial proposal submission: | August 2, 2017 |
Acceptance notification: | September 4, 2017 |
Extended Abstracts
Extended abstract submission: | September 18, 2017 (UPDATE) |
Acceptance notification: | September 28, 2017 (UPDATE) |
Camera-ready: | October 19, 2017 (UPDATE) |