WUWNet'14 Awards

The Organizing Committee is delighted to announce the WUWNet'14 Award Winners.

Call for Work-In-Progress Posters and for Demos

WUWNet'14 invites you to submit Work-In-Progress (WIP) posters and demos to the conference. Submission deadline is September 30th, 2014.

Submission deadlines extended

The paper submission deadline has been extended to August 15th, 2014. The extended abstract submission deadline has been extended to September 10th, 2014.

Conference Details

WUWNet'14 will be held in Rome, Italy. The scope of the WUWNet conference covers a broad range of research directions relevant to underwater networks and network-related signal processing, communications, systems, and applications. The conference will include presentations of keynote speeches, plenary talks, technical papers, and posters/demos:

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